The Laboratory on Longevity and Ageing (LoLA) is a network of researchers from different disciplines dealing with longevity and population ageing. Its main aim is a better understanding of the demographic, social and economic consequences of the progressive lengthening of life.
The increasing longevity and better health of population pose to Italian and European societies the challenge of healthy and active ageing, and welfare. Labour market policies have already undergone deep modifications in order to meet that challenge. These priorities are present in the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development of the UN, with the goal to “ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages”.
More specific themes of LoLA are dynamics and perspectives in health and survival, intergenerational transfers, wellbeing, living arrangements, work and pension, policies for a fairer health for all and a more sustainable health system. On this line, the aim of the laboratory is to offer a scientific contribution of ideas and to create a forum for debate and action as well as participating to research projects both at national and international level.
Members of LoLA are the following Departments and Faculties: