Conferences & Seminars

31 January 2023
III workshop on “Laboratory on Longevity and Ageing LoLA” - Università di Roma Tre, Roma.
10 - 11 September 2018
II Workshop on “Laboratory on Longevity and Ageing LoLA” - Libera Università di Bolzano, Bressanone
7 - 8 September 2017
I Workshop on “Laboratory on Longevity and Ageing LoLA” - Libera Università di Bolzano, Bressanone
8 - 10 February 2017
Population Days 12th edition 2017 (Poster Day)
Internal seminar series 2023
16. June
16:30-18 Spatial modeling and clustering of competing death causes
Enrico Bovo, Andrea Sottosanti, Pietro Belloni e Giovanna Boccuzzo
24. April
17-18:30 Consumption of healthcare resources close to death: comparison between cohorts of Rome residents
Laura Cacciani
24. February
17-18:30 Survival to retirement age in Denmark and Sweden by country of birth: a register-based analysis
Internal seminar series 2022
25. November
Territorial differences in intergenerational exchanges and care: does size matter?
30. September
Ageing and health disparities between immigrants and natives: the dynamics by age and the role of education
24 . July
How to include socio-demographic differences in pension expenditure projections? A proposal applied to the Italian scenario
8. April
Measuring frailty in the population using current health flows

Health and mortality: new insights from longitudinal data Abstract

Elena Demuru, Viviana Egidi  

Living condition and mortality at home and in institution: addressing the bias introduced by the selection of institutionalized population Abstract

Cristina Giudici

Looking beyond averages: Quantile regression approach to model older-adult Europeans’ Quality of Life   Abstract

Elisa Cisotto, Giulia Cavrini (Uni BZ)

Estimation of neighborhood effect on mental health in the elderly using propensity score techniques Abstract

Giovanna Boccuzzo, Chiara Papaccio, Margherita Silan, Morena Stroscia

Looking beyond averages: Quantile regression approach to model older-adult Europeans’ Quality of Life   Abstract

Elisa Cisotto, Giulia Cavrini (Uni BZ)

Health and life conditions in the years prior to death. An analysis of data from the New Italian longitudinal study

Demuru Elena (INMP)

Which aspects of elderly living conditions are important to predict mortality? The ambiguous role of family ties at home and in institutions Abstract

Giudici Cristina, Alessandra De Rose, Silvia Polettini (Uni Sapienza) Nicolas Brouard (INED FR)

The neighbourhood effect on the health of the elderly

Silan Margherita , Boccuzzo Giovanna (UniPD)